Nidra + Sound
Our new favorite way to de-stress + replenish. This week we kicked off our monthly Yoga Nidra + Sound experience, and every client left feeling rejuvenated.
Our Nidra + Sound experience combines two of our favorite practices: guided yoga nidra meditation + the tones of a crystal signing bowl. Each is amazing on it’s own, so when combined you get a powerful + super healing practice.
Some people write off yoga nidra as just a guided nap.. but they couldn’t be more wrong! During yoga nidra, you’re in a space between sleep and awake, and it’s a state where your body is able to restore balance to the nervous systems, regain balance + tackle the layers of the mind where we hold long stored emotions, energies + even trauma.
The process of doing a yoga nidra is simple: lie back, get as comfortable as possible and close your eyes. The teacher will guide you through steps to focus on and relax your physical body, then center your breath. From here, you’ll create or be offered an intention or focus for the practice.
Some clients find they drift off into sleep, others find they’re energized with sensations and a greater awareness of what’s happening in their body and mind. All experiences are good ones and there is no right or wrong way to practice! As you’re guided in the nidra, the tones of the singing bowl is layered in to create greater healing and a deeper experience, taking the mHz level of the body to a more healthy range and creating better hormonal balance.
You’re probably thinking, sound relaxing but how does it actually work?? Let’s look at the science behind it!
Through the progressive relaxation process, nidra takes you from the more thinking brain waves (beta) to the deeper subconscious states (alpha and for some, theta). As you deepen into relaxation, you move out of an activated and stressed nervous system responsible for fight/flight (sympathetic) and into the healing qualities of your rest and digest system (parasympathetic). This doesn’t just feel good, it allows your body to switch into healing and repair mode, something that usually only happens when we sleep.
As you balance on this edge of space between rest and sleep, the mind can also access and release repressed tension, trauma and emotion, powerfully helping people create greater mental wellness. The US Military, CEOs, athletes and millions of others are flocking to the benefits of this very simple practice.
After the guided portion of the meditation, you’re guided to slowly come back to your body + the room. Journal prompts are offered to help you reflect on what you noticed, as well as how your body/mind responded. Since you’re body experiences the yoga nidra as sleep, many people feel refreshed and energized after a practice. Who couldn’t use a little more energy??
We’ll be offering this monthly - check out workshops page to save your spot. Can’t wait a whole month to try it out? Visit our bundles page for a copy of the recording + try it on your own. We know you’ll love it as much as we do!