Spring renewal

April is the perfect time for a refresh, especially as we being to come out of the last year. This month, we’re exploring ways you can shift the energy, re-invigorate your practice or wellness routines, refresh your yoga tools, props and gear… all the “RE” words we love. We’ll look at lots of tips, tricks + how to’s on our IG page @blackcatlibertyville.

Get re-inspired on the mat

It has been a long winter, and an especially long year with the pandemic. April marks the perfect way to reconnect with your practice - try a new class, check out a new format or time or experiment with a new pose - all to give fresh energy to your time on the mat.


We also saw much of our community struggling with isolation or missing the regularity of time in class with friends and at events. We’re still staying safe + cautious (spacing, masks and SO ready for outdoor yoga soon), but it’s a great time to reconnect. Invite a friend to meet you for class, even if it’s online. Revive your connections and have the benefit of an accountability buddy.

Don’t stress.. we’re here for you!

Struggling with anxiety over coming back inside? Reach out. Reintegrating into our normal routines can be challenging. We’ve got tons of safety measures in place and really prioritize keeping you well - physically AND mentally - so we can help brain storm ways to make the transition back more comfortable.


There has been a real impact on stress levels and anxiety over the past year, and spring is the perfect time to give your nervous systems some TLC. Try a restorative yoga class for deep physical and mental relief, join a meditation session to learn breath practices and learn to navigate stress of daily living OR jump in on our Yoga Nidra workshop built specifically to help heal the body + mind. Small, mindful actions build to great results, so start small and let the fresh energy of April build as the month progresses.


Nidra + Sound


A little science behind the practices.